Is there some way to tell when my tank was made?
Snyder tanks are produced with a molded-in serial number (wheel-date/month format). In addition, the tank's bar code label has a 10-digit serial number and date of manufacture. Your Snyder Sales or Customer Service person can help you interpret the date of manufacture.
Will freezing temperatures hurt my poly tank?
Freezing temperatures will not have an effect on a polyethylene tank, however, if there is liquid in the tank, make sure the freezing liquid has enough head room to expand.
Snyder utilizes a test called "Low Temperature Impact Resistance." This is a test utilized by both the ARM (Association of Rotational Molders) and ASTM D 1998. Snyder has testing capabilities that exceed the requirements of ARM and ASTM D 1998. They call out -20 degrees F for the test, but Snyder has conducted testing at -40 degrees F. This test is critical to determine if the resin has been properly processed and it will give you an idea as to the temperatures that the resins can see. It is important that efforts be made to avoid impacting the tank, especially with sharp items, at any temperature.
How many years will my tank last?
There are many variables that can have an effect on the life of a polyethylene tank.
The type of material being stored in the tank, it's concentration, and temperature. The temperature of the application can be a factor, especially if the tank design is not based upon the temperature of the application. Some applications may permeate the polyethylene at elevated temperatures. Special considerations - some chemicals will have long term effects on the polyethylene and may require special considerations. As an example, sodium hypo chlorite will degrade from UV exposure and elevated temperature. As it degrades it can build up sediment in the bottom of the tank. If this sediment is periodically flushed from the tank it will extend the life of the tank.
Installation and PIPING! - The number one reason for tank failures is due to improper installation. It is important to follow Snyder's "Guidelines for Use & Installation". Having flexible connections that compensate for the expansion and contraction of the tank will extend the life of the tank.
Is the tank used indoors or outdoors? The amount of U.V. exposure will be based upon the time of exposure and the closeness of the installation to the sun (elevation). What part of the country are you in? Tanks used outdoors in states subjected to more intense sunshine will be more affected by the sun. UV rays will have a detrimental effect on the life span of all poly tanks.
Storage or process - Is the tank a holding tank or a processing tank? A tank that is continuously cycled will see more stress then a tank that remains at one level or close to one level for extended periods of time. Tanks with excessive agitation may also be exposed to undo stress. Stationary tanks will also not see the stress of a tank that is being transported.
What is the warranty on your tanks?
Snyder warrants to the purchaser for any manufactured tank product proven to be defective in material or workmanship within 3 years from date of original invoice from factory. An extended tank warranty may be available as a purchased option for an additional 2-year period (total of 5 years) for some chemical applications. Snyder also offers chemical specific warranties for industrial vertical & double wall tanks for certain chemical applications including sulfuric acid, sodium hypochlorite and others. Contact Snyder on questions regarding warranty for your specific application.
Snyder warrants to the purchaser for any manufactured Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) or dry material handling product proven to be defective in material or workmanship within 2 years (for polyethylene) and 1 year (for steel) from date of original invoice from factory. Contact Snyder on questions regarding warranty for your specific application.
Can your tanks be buried?
Tanks specifically designed for above ground use cannot be put underground because the weight of the ground around the tank can cause the wall to collapse. If you have an application for a below ground tank we do have a cistern and septic tank line available that is designed for below ground use.
Can your tanks be pressurized?
No, our tanks cannot be pressurized. They are all designed to atmospheric pressure.
Can I store DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid) in your tanks?
Yes, see the DEF listing on our Chemical Resistance Recommendation Chart. DEF is a high purity chemical solution containing 32.5% urea mixed with high purity water. It is classified as a non-hazardous product. Snyder Industries has a long history of proven success providing both bulk storage tank and IBC solutions for urea storage. DEF will begin to crystallize at 12º F. and can lose its potency if stored for prolonged periods over 86º F so precautions should be taken (such as heat trace and insulation) to ensure these conditions are avoided.
The EPA has set forth stringent emissions requirements to being January 2010 which will require diesel engine manufacturers to choose a technology called Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) to meet the requirements. When added to the exhaust gases DEF reduces the NOx to the EPA required levels. If you purchase a car, truck, tractor or any diesel-powered product with SCR technology it will require DEF. There will be a separate DEF tank on diesel vehicles to hold the DEF to be sprayed into the exhaust system.
DEF will be sold at service stations offering diesel fuel across the USA in capacities ranging from gallon jugs, drums, IBCs, and bulk dispensing systems. DEF will also be used by companies who have their own fleet of diesel and fueling stations.
Can I store Bio-diesel in your tanks?
Biodiesel is the name of a clean burning alternative fuel, produced from domestic, renewable resources. Biodiesel contains no petroleum, but it can be blended at any level with petroleum diesel fuel to create a biodiesel blend. Biodiesel or B100 (100%) refers to the pure fuel. Biodiesel blends or BXX refers to a fuel that is composed of a % of biodiesel blended into a conventional fuel (example B20 = 20% Biodiesel blended with 80% conventional fuel).
Snyder has conducted chemical compatibility testing on B100. Our chemical compatibility testing showed that Snyder’s uniquely processed HDLPE and XLPE resins are compatible with B100. From our chemical compatibility testing, Sii recommends ONLY above ground 1.9 specific gravity Industrial (ASTM) designed tanks for B100 applications. Snyder does not recommend below ground, agricultural or other non-